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チャッキラコ 沿革







Inscribed on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO.

Designated as the National important intangible folk cultural asset.




This event has come down in Hanagure and Nakazaki ward, downtown in Misaki and is 
held only by females
on January 15
Composed of girls from 4 or 5 years old to 12, their mothers and grandmothers,
girls are to dance
mothers and grandmothers to sing
It is said that girls must have given up taking
part in this performance when they
 turned to 13 or so in old times 

The girls perform in the same clothes holding fans or Chakkirako to the songs without instruments
In old times, they used to perform wearing their own best clothes for New Year. 
When they perform
Hattsuise” Yosasa-bushi” “Kamakura-bushi, they have open fans in their right hands. 
For Nihon-odori, open fans are in both hands. 
For Oisemairi, they perform in a circle with their fans closed in both hands
For “ Chakkirako, they perform holding bamboo sticks Ayadake called Chakkirako in both hands.  


They perform Chakkirako for dedication to Motomiya shrine in Hanagure ward praying for the safety
of family
the good businessthe good haul and the safety on the ocean every January 15
After this dedication, they perform to dedicate it to Kainanjinja shrine and Ryujin shrines in
Hanagure and
Nakazaki and in the afternoon,
 they perform in houses and stores. 

The following traditions remain

One is about AyadakeOnce upon a timewhen Minamoto Yoritomo visited Misaki to enjoy cherry
blossoms, camellias and peach blossoms in the temples,
 he asked a mother and her daughter taking
shells on the shore to dance. The mother replied him,
I’m  too old to dance but I’ll have my daughter
dance for me
. Then she cut out bomboo sticks from the grove to give her daughter so that her daughter
danced to mother’s
 song. This story is said as the origin of Ayadake”.

The other is about “Fan”. It was taught to the girls in the village by Mitsuwatahime, wife of Fujiwara
Sukemitsu worshipped as a god of Kainanjinja shrine

 These matters are written in the oldest local topography in Miura “Misakishi” 
which was published in 1756, 6 of the Horeki Era.


   1952/6     Selected for the National intangible culturalasset.
   1965/4     Preservationist of Chakkirako was established.
   1965/5     Designated as the prefectual important intangible asset.
   1971/3     Selected for the National folk entertainmentof the year 45.
   1976/5    Designated as the National important intangible folk cultural asset.
   2009/9     Inscribed on the list of the intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. 





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